multimidicast v1.4 (c) 2005..2018 by Dirk Jagdmann ------------------------------------------------------------------- Will send and receive MIDI data from ALSA sequencers to your network using UDP multicast. If this does not seem to work make sure that multicast is supported by your kernel. The software is designed to be compatible with ipMIDI for windows from Command line options: -i - use a specific network interface. -q - quiet, don't show MIDI and network events, can be given multiple times to decrease reporting. -b - set MIDI buffer size, default: 250000 bytes Usage: If you only have a single network interface, simply start the compiled multimidicast program. If you have multiple network interfaces and want to use multimidicast on a specific interface, use the -i command line argument. $ multimidicast multimidicast v1.4 (c) 2005..2018 by Dirk Jagdmann waiting for events... After you have started the multimidicast program, you will see new MIDI ports in the ALSA list. Use a 2nd Linux terminal (shell), so the multimidicast program keeps running. $ aconnect -l client 0: 'System' [type=kernel] 0 'Timer ' 1 'Announce ' client 129: './multimidicast' [type=user] 0 '' 1 '' ... Use any ALSA midi program and connect the ALSA MIDI port 129:X to your midi program. You can use the aconnect command line program or a graphical program like qjackctl. Do the same on a second computer and the MIDI messages will be transported over your local network. Since the multimidicast program uses IP multicasting you don't need to do any configuration to route messages between your computers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Technical information: this program will subscribe to the IPv4 multicast address and UDP port 21928. Any bytes received are interpreted as a raw MIDI byte stream and made available to an ALSA MIDI port. Additional MIDI ports are using UDP port 21929, 21930, ... When this program receives data on a ALSA MIDI port, it will send the raw byte stream as UDP multicast datagrams to the network. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Install: If you have a working compiler and ALSA development files, simply run "make" to compile the source code. Run "make install" to install the program into the /usr/bin/ directory. On debian (Ubuntu) Linux you can use the script to install the compiler and ALSA libraries.