Hello People, for visual configuration look into the file config.txt. You can alter colors and background pictures. Background pictures need to be in TGA format with either 24bit or 32bit(alpha) truecolor without RLE compression. After the program has successfully started you see a black screen. With the right mouse button you get a menu to choose the competition. You then change through the competition pages by pressing space. You can choose a new competition at any time by invoking the menu. Some more keys: q - program exit f - fullscreen w - window You can edit the text of the competition entries. First use cursor up/down to select your entry. Now enter the edit mode by pressing 'enter'. You can now edit the group/production name. You change between the two field by pressing tab. By pressing 'enter' again you commit your changes. If you made a mistake you can abort editing the current entry with 'esc'. To permanently save your changes into the .xml file press 'S' (capital s). The xml input file has to be in Latin-1 format. If anything is still unclear write me some mail: Dirk Jagdmann