![]() |
Software |
DMX4Linux Driver Suite for Linux |
csv2iif.pl suite convert PayPal transactions to IIF, OFX, QIF |
Hardware |
DMX30 Interface 128Ch SPP |
DMX43 Interface 2out 2in EPP |
LED Hardware for Linux and Windows |
EPROM Sampler for 8 bits of sound |
Misc |
CatWeasel Linux drivers for MK3/4 PCI |
pg_trompe PostgreSQL replication |
trycatch C exception/signal handling lib |
Patches to various software |
Tools and small scripts |
Docs misc documents |
Links to lighting stuff |
Linux/X11 support for HP SK-2960 keyboardTo get your HP SK-2960 multimedia keyboard to run with linux and X11 add the following lines to a startup file like/etc/rc.local :
#!/bin/sh setkeycodes e014 138 # Club+hp setkeycodes e023 162 # WWW setkeycodes e026 167 # (?) setkeycodes e018 152 # ^1 setkeycodes e003 131 # ^2 setkeycodes e006 134 # recordThen add the following lines to your ~/.Xmodmap :
! hp sk-2960 keyboard keycode 160 = XF86AudioMute keycode 174 = XF86AudioLowerVolume keycode 176 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume keycode 146 = XF86Launch1 keycode 135 = XF86Launch2 keycode 191 = XF86AudioRecord keycode 144 = XF86AudioPrev keycode 162 = XF86AudioPlay keycode 153 = XF86AudioNext keycode 164 = XF86AudioStop keycode 223 = XF86Sleep keycode 245 = XF86VendorHome keycode 253 = XF86WWW keycode 236 = XF86Mail keycode 229 = XF86Search keycode 177 = XF86Q LinksArch Linux: Extra keyboard keys. Debian Linux: MultimediaKeys.patchesA patch for the Audacious media player 1.3.2 to use the volume keys. |